I'm calling in on the Programming is unacceptable that was in SpeakOut, apparently as a practicing homosexual that really don't need much practice anymore. They are referring here to homosexuals trying to change heterosexuals points of view. Well heterosexuals have been trying to change homosexuals point of view for years and years. And I agree with you, if homosexuals can't kiss on TV, then maybe heterosexuals should refrain from it. We have to watch that all the time and put up with it. It's not our way of life, it might be your way of life. But what I don't understand is that if it's your way of life, that's fine. Why are you so worried about the homosexuals way of life? You say they are trying to change somebody. Homosexuals don't try to change anybody. They are what they are and they can't be what they ain't. Can you be gay? Stop and think about that. You are tuned to be a heterosexual. A homosexual is tuned to be a homosexual. We just have to accept each other and get on down the road. I don't condemn you for breeding so I don't think you should look down on me for not. Now I've had my chance to speak out.
The Mississippi County Sheriff doesn't have anything to do with the mowing of Mississippi County roads.
I'm calling about the single parent wanting to meet people in our area. There is a singles group open to any denomination that was started by single members of Miner Baptist Church. You can call the church for more information at 471-1331.
It would be very nice if the city council would pass an ordinance against people mowing and blowing their stuff out in the middle of the streets, their trash and grass clippings. Why can't they pick it up and clean it up? If everybody in the city did that, wouldn't it be a hell of a city?
We couldn't agree more!
I would like to speak out about the New Madrid County R1 tax hike. When you don't live in New Madrid and you watch your town die because it doesn't have a school and all the young people have moved off and there's just older couples, no young couple couples with kids are going to move there. The reason for this consolidation was to save money. And not to mention they have revenue that they got from Portageville district down at the St. Jude park down there at Marston. They get all this Wal-Mart, New Madrid and Noranda taxes, power plant. And this consolidation was going to save us all this money, and we get a tax hike. They're spending it like crazy over there. I live in a town that don't even have a school. The majority of people who live here don't even have kids in school. We didn't want to consolidate. And it's working so great they had to raise our taxes. The towns are dying because they have no schools. The population is dropping in these towns because of the consolidation. Look at the enrollment, how much it's dropped. I'll tell you something, it's not working. It wasn't worth it. It hurt more than it helped.