
Miracle drug really isn't so miraculous

Thursday, July 6, 2006

As a smoker, I pay a good bit of attention to news that involves health and smoking and any new methods to help quit the nasty habit. Thus far, there are ample products on the market designed to help you end the smoking habit but there's also limited success with the current crop of cures.

But this week, a new treatment was announced that is said to be more effective in the race to find a smoking cessation drug. Made by a major pharmaceutical firm, the new drug was tested against other drugs on the market. And, according to the release, it was more effective.

But here's the rub. A lead scientist on the study committee told a news agency: "There are some important gastrointestinal side effects and, in the current studies, most people given the drug actually did not quit smoking."

So there you have it. The best drug we can design will upset your stomach and it does little to help you quit smoking. And that comes from one of those who worked on the project!

Nausea and insomnia are two of the other byproducts listed for the breakthrough anti-smoking drug. It seems the cure may actually be worse than the problem.

Actually I was a little surprised the company would even announce their new study. Who would want to take a drug that will make you nauseous, keep you from sleeping, upset your stomach and have little impact over your smoking habit? Doesn't sound like something that would attract much attention to me.

Here's the bottom line. Someday, someone, somewhere will come up with that magic pill that will force smokers to improve their health regardless of themselves. But until then, quitting takes determination and discipline - two elements I obviously lack. Yet regardless, a drug that will cause you as much discomfort as the current crop I suspect won't get many takers.

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