July 7, 2006

I'm calling about the judge that halted the executions in Missouri. I'm an old man and I have seen a little bit of everything in my life, but I don't believe the shots that they give those prisoners up there that he claims hurts them that's gonna stay the executions for whatever time they are going to keep them off 'till they get something different. ...

I'm calling about the judge that halted the executions in Missouri. I'm an old man and I have seen a little bit of everything in my life, but I don't believe the shots that they give those prisoners up there that he claims hurts them that's gonna stay the executions for whatever time they are going to keep them off 'till they get something different. I believe those people that killed those little boys and girls that hurt those kids a lot more than giving that dude a shot. If I had my way about it we wouldn't even give shots, we'd use a firing squad. If somebody accidentally shot him in the shoulder, he could stand up again while they killed him. I just don't like the judges stepping in over the ones who have already been tried and on Death Row. I don't think Death Row should be as long as what we have it. I think Death Row should be for three days to talk to their parents and their Lord.

I would like to respond a bit to the story titled "TV's a Downer." I'm 40-years old. When I was 10, I never seen the violence on TV like there is now. We watched shows like Hee-Haw, Three Stooges and soap operas. I think someone should conduct a census to see how many 30-year olds are in prison for violent crimes today versus how many 10-year olds now will be in prison for violent crimes 20 years from now. I'm sure it will be an astronomical number due to the violence that children are exposed to in TV and video games.

I am a resident of Charleston and I believe in God and Heaven and Hell. My only concern is I may not go to Heaven. If this is my fate I hope God will give me credit for the time I have lived in Charleston.

The city of Sikeston should be ashamed of the condition of the bathrooms at the Sports Complex. Can't they at least keep toilet paper available?

I'm calling to see if anyone would like a brown chihuahua. She is still a puppy, She loves indoors and she can still be trained. She potties outside. I want to give her away to a good home that loves puppies. She's very loving and loves to sit on your lap. If anybody wants her, call my number at 838-8263. I need a good home for her.
