JEFFERSON CITY -- Randy and Linda Bickel have announced the engagement of their daughter, Stacie Lynn, to Matthew Ryan Rebstock, son of Chris and Kay Rebstock of New Madrid.
A 1998 graduate of Jefferson City High School, the future bride earned a Bachelor of Science in American sign language/English interpreting from William Woods University in 2002 and a Master of Arts in American sign language/English interpreting from Gallaudet University in 2004. She is employed by the Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
The prospective bridegroom graduated from New Madrid County Central High School in 1996. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in biology from Westminster College in 2000 and is employed by Dollar General Inc.
Plans are being finalized for a Feb. 17, 2007, wedding at Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury in Fulton.