March 28, 2007

I'm calling on behalf of all the stuff they are blaming the president for, high gas prices and such. I think it's totally ridiculous when they say it's all these Republicans. Well, Congress is run by Democrats now so people should wake up and get their politics right. ...

I'm calling on behalf of all the stuff they are blaming the president for, high gas prices and such. I think it's totally ridiculous when they say it's all these Republicans. Well, Congress is run by Democrats now so people should wake up and get their politics right. People should know that everything the president does has to go through the Democratic Congress right now. Congress does all this. It's really bogus how the president gets blamed for all this crap. People don't even know what they are talking about. They just have their own little miserable lives and they want to blame someone for everything. So, whatever.

Parents, wake up. Why do you not put your kids in a seat belt or a car seat instead of letting them ride in the front with you? This makes me so mad. I lost a child not too long ago with someone in the front seat with no seat belt. Do you not think about buckling them? I see this often. Come on, buckle up your kids for God's sake! Do you think stuff like this won't happen to you? Wake up! It can. And it is the law. Please keep your kids safe. Don't let them run around in the front seat with no seat belt and you going down the road. This is wrong. Your child's life is in danger when you do this. I know, I lost a child.

The Sikeston School's Foundation card that is being sold around town, the Pizza Inn ad on there is wrong. The Pizza Inn should have read, "For large pizzas only. Buy one at regular menu prices, get one free." It's not good for any other size other than a large at Pizza Inn in Sikeston.

I was wondering what the point is of having the no left turn sign there at McDonald's, because people turn left there anyway? What is the sign there for and when is it going to be enforced?

This is to the lady that was attending the service held in the church sanctuary. I think you kind of got ahead of yourself taking coffee into a sanctuary. Maybe you should have asked beforehand and then bringing drinks into the sanctuary wouldn't have embarrassed you. I applaud the lady who had the courage to make a stand for what she thought was right. To me church people disrespect the sanctuary. Haven't you ever heard the sanctuary is holy? Lots of people come to church bringing their sodas, their tea and their water bottles and candy bars. People eat and drink and read magazines and play games on their cell phones during a church service. Besides, I'm sure the lady that told you tried to do it in a proper way. She wasn't trying to be hateful to the grieving lady. Try not to judge the lady, that's the Lord's job, not yours.
