SIKESTON - Twelve girls reported for the first practice session of the VFW girls basketball team Tuesday night. Browen Jewell is manager for the girls team and Gerald Howard for the boys team. Among those reporting for the first practice for the girls team were: Virginia Green, Jean Hartzell, Virginia Dame, Louise Hodges, Naomi Dame, Imogene Sutton, Mary Gray, Judy Baker, Pearl Dean Ralph, Beatrice Ralph and Jean Baker.
SIKESTON - The Bootheel's harvest rush is on. Early spring rains cut the cotton acreage, but farmers were permitted by the federal government to switch to other crops. There was an increased planting of soybeans.
NEW MADRID - A fire causing an estimated $100,000 damage destroyed the New Madrid Lumber Co. on Main Street this morning.
PADUCAH, Ky. - Julie Wasson, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wasson of East Prairie, was selected Missouri's Poster Child for the Lion's Club Telethon.
SIKESTON - Parents As Teachers recently conducted parent/child meeting for 3-5 year olds called "Fun With Science" presented by Marilyn Schlosser at the Kindergarten Center.
SIKESTON - Children of all ages got a firsthand look of exotic animals this weekend at Feeders Supply's grand opening. Phillips Exotic Animals had several different types of animals, including a giraffe, for the kids to feed.
DEXTER - For a newly formed group in Sikeston, the Missouri Goldwing Road Riders Association (MGRRA) is doing pretty well. The organization can now make its claim to fame by calling attention to its Missouri Couple of the Year -Andy and Marilyn Gilliam of Dexter.