March 15, 2008

I would like to make a comment about what used to be the McMullin Gin property in Grant City, just north of Sikeston. I think it would be a good story for KFVS-12 eyesore segment. Let the owner explain to the people that have to live there why it is necessary to have probably the worst-kept place along Highway 61 in all of Scott County. ...

~Call 471-6636

I would like to make a comment about what used to be the McMullin Gin property in Grant City, just north of Sikeston. I think it would be a good story for KFVS-12 eyesore segment. Let the owner explain to the people that have to live there why it is necessary to have probably the worst-kept place along Highway 61 in all of Scott County. I remember a time when it was the McMullin Gin, it was always well-kept, mowed, neat, a very good neighbor to all that lived around it. Now that it has changed hands, it is nothing more than a scrap yard of junk equipment, trash, weeds, stray dogs. The little white house on the property, that was once always kept neat as a pen, now looks like it needs to be condemned. Stray dogs and trash are all over the yard. I myself have driven by on one occasion, stopped my car and watched two rats playing on the front porch. Now they've pushed down the old barn, and it's just a pile of debris that I'm sure that will lie there for no telling how long. You folks should be ashamed of yourself. Grant City is mainly the elderly, who can't just up and move because of uncaring people like you. I'm sure every evening you load up and go to your nice home and your nice neighborhood and never think of the people that have to live in your mess everyday and every night. Please don't keep doing this to what was once a nice, neat, clean community. Please do your part and help the ones that call Grant City home.

A recent caller said that the only ones who would benefit for voting for "a man like that" (referring to Sen. Obama) would be Family Services and everybody would get free lunches. Sadly, people like this will be voting in November. If that person would get their head out of their - well, let's be nice and say "the sand," they would realize that more people at present qualify for food stamps, free lunches and Family Service assistance due to the failed policies of the present administration. Why not elect someone who will at least try to change the way we do business, both in domestic policy and in foreign affairs? We are in a real mess now in so many areas, and a change certainly wouldn't hurt us. If nothing else, it would be good to just have a President with an IQ better than 35. At least Mr. Obama can say nuclear - not nookular as the present Einstein occupant of the White House does. This administration has done nothing to stop the dumping of foreign goods into this country, nor prevent the loss of jobs due to U.S. industries moving overseas. We babysit the oil fields in the Middle East with our military, yet we get no break on oil prices. If you are fortunate to have a job, it is difficult to pay the high cost of gasoline needed to get to work, nor can we afford to pay the cost to heat our homes. That's why we need a change - Duh! It ain't working like it is now.

In response to the SpeakOut article, Lending support. I would just like to say I was also at that Benton Court. There was six local prominent businessmen there to proudly support the defendant. It wasn't odd! They all know he is innocent! Yes, they do have children, some girls and they all trust him. The sad truth is those girls were exaggerating. This could happen to anyone. Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge. Signed, Lending supporter.

Boy some people are so stupid. Like the person that said if you don't want your name listed on the courtroom wall don't break the law. Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? Just because someone has to appear in court does not automatically mean that they broke the law. I hope you get falsely charged sometime and get to read your name on the court room wall. You're just an idiot.

I received a letter today from the National Association of Uniformed Services. They stated that Congress had robbed the American people of $2.15 trillion from the Social Security and Medicare. They are trying to get people to sign a petition to stop Congress from taking this money. Everyone should sign this and mail it right back in. We need this done.

Is it true all gay people and welfare people are voting for Obama?
