SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Lair have purchased the property of Mr. and Mrs. William Corrigan at 916 N. Kingshighway. They plan to move there sometime in August.
SIKESTON - The Rotary Club chili day attracted 410 customers yesterday. Total receipts aren't available but money turned in at the door accounted for $506, with an expected $50 to $75 still to be reported, according to Chip Schmerbauch, finance chairman.
SIKESTON - The Southeast Missouri Band Association, eastern division, will hold its annual spring festival at the Armory tomorrow. Eight area bands will be given rehearsals with clinician Prof. Frederick Lubrani of Memphis State University.
SIKESTON - The 80-member Sikeston High School cast of "Li'l Abner" is currently holding rehearsals after school. Directed by Susan James, the musical comedy, based on an Al Capp cartoon, will be presented March 24-
26 in the high school cafeteria. Buck Brase will be featured as Abner, Tonya Coady as Daisy Mae, Susan McClarty as Mammy Yokum and Jason Barnes as Pappy Yokum.
SIKESTON - Four students at Sikeston Middle School attended training recently to become LEAP members. Leadership in Environmental Action Projects is a student program oriented toward reducing, reusing and recycling solid waste materials. Attending the training sponsored by the Bootheel Solid Waste Management District were Elizabeth Killion, Nichole Lewis, Garth Fuchs and Erin Dement.
SIKESTON - Don Clayton accepted two awards on behalf of Clayton Farm Services Inc. of Sikeston from Lindsay Manufacturing Co. The company received the Distinguished Performance Award and the Circle of Excellence Award.