
Flood of immigrants will sink our country

Sunday, May 20, 2007

If you can take a brief break from your concern over Paris Hilton's upcoming stint in jail, you might want to pay attention to the compromise immigration bill that gained approval this week. Paris Hilton will someday fade into the shadows. The flood of illegal immigrants who may soon gain legal status will change your life forever.

The devil is in the details and that certainly applies to this new illegal immigration legislation. To gain favor with conservatives, the bill will erect more border fences and put more border security guards in place. But there remains this slight issue of 12 million illegal immigrants who will soon be granted amnesty. Sure, the politicians are calling the legislation by another name but rest assured, it's amnesty pure and simple.

History will look back at this legislation as the final straw that broke the American way of life. That is no exaggeration. We tried a similar approach 20 years ago and it did absolutely nothing to slow the tide of illegal immigrants crossing our borders. Today we'll ignore the 12 million. Tomorrow we'll be asked to ignore the 50 million. It's just a matter of time.

The day of the conservative may well be numbered. We've had eight years in the Bush administration to implement conservative values, to restore the work ethic and to bring some civility back to society. We have failed on all counts.

So now we'll try it the other way. If our aim is for a socialist society, believe me we're heading in that direction. By opening the doors legally to these 12 million newcomers, we put a burden on taxpayers that is beyond my imagination. But what really concerns me is the impact on society and our culture. We may be able to someday tax ourselves out of the debt caused by these illegal immigrants but we won't be able to restore the changing culture they will bring.

Why are there not voices screaming loudly that this amnesty is wrong? If we sit back in silence, we'll get exactly what we deserve. We won't have to worry about terrorists destroying our way of life - we'll do the dirty work for them. We'll open our doors wide because we are a land of immigrants. The difference is that this new wave of immigrants has little interest in melting into the fabric of this country. They choose instead to bring their culture here and force us to change. And we'll have little choice.

The immigration legislation is a prime example of a bureaucratic Christmas tree. It contains something for everyone. Unfortunately, it contains provisions that will pave the way for an open door policy that will overwhelm our ability to deliver services to the American people. We will wake up one day and find ourselves outnumbered.

The war on terrorism pales in comparison to the war on illegal immigration. Unfortunately, the war on immigration will be lost and yet not one shot will be fired. A Russian leader long ago said that our government would fail because we are our own worst enemy. History will prove him right.

I don't fully blame the politicians because we hired them. I blame those who should be speaking out but instead, huddle in their pristine world thinking that harm will not make it into their safe and secure homes. I only wish I were around when they discover how wrong they are.

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