April 14, 2007

Two cheers for Fads come and go in tonight's SpeakOut. I told my great- great-grandson's don't come to my house holding your pants and other parts of your body. It is nasty and it is filthy. I'd like to speak out in regards to the article in the SpeakOut where they was smashing this old lady for bringing something to drink in the sanctuary in the church. ...

~Call 471-6636

Two cheers for Fads come and go in tonight's SpeakOut. I told my great-

great-grandson's don't come to my house holding your pants and other parts of your body. It is nasty and it is filthy.

I'd like to speak out in regards to the article in the SpeakOut where they was smashing this old lady for bringing something to drink in the sanctuary in the church. Well, what else could they expect? All they do back in the fellowship hall, which joins the kitchen, is eat, drink and stroll before church time. I think that should be cut out also.

The people in our neighborhood who keep a large dog in a small pen, where it never gets to run or stretch its legs, I'm worried that it will end up crippled in some way through not being able to use its muscles properly. What do some of the vets in this town think of that? Needless to say, it has to drink stagnant water. Is it possible to get heartworms from drinking water with mosquito larvae in it? It doesn't get any attention. Isn't it cruel to keep an animal for a barking machine? Why not spend the money and just get an alarm system?

I just wanted to agree with David Jenkins' column on taxes. The city hasn't done what they promised and they are fools if they think we will pass another tax. It is about time somebody spoke up for the taxpayers of Sikeston.

Thank you to all voters who rejected the permanent tax increase planned by our commissioners and their financial advisor, the county clerk. They continually spend our tax dollars out of county never to be returned. Our county vendors and merchants pay hard earned tax dollars every month, only to see them send our money out of our county. They say they are saving us money by buying cheap. In reality they are supporting other counties with your tax dollars. Should they purchase from businesses in the county, the tax dollars would stay in the county. Business employees would receive the tax dollars through their pay and thus the money be spent at local businesses thereby supporting all county business. And that's how we would save the county tax dollars. Remember our "elected" officials' purchasing habits is for the public to see. Check their records at the county clerk's office. And remember we can change things at election time. Also check other counties out, many of them can only seek bids from vendors in their county if they are available.

I tell you one thing, it's sad when you can't drive out of your own drive because of the Azalea Festival. They start this two weeks ahead of time. I thought the Chamber of Commerce was supposed to handle this, now I find out the high school students are helping with it. There are lots of people that are not involved and not interested in your Azalea Festival.
