East Prairie does a great job decorating the town at Christmas and presenting the parade. They also go all out for the 4th of July and for the Block Party. The City has made Tour De Corn a huge success. The question is, who dropped the ball, or should I say who dropped the used tractor parts? Have you, the city heads, looked at the east side of town lately? Shame on you for allowing this junkyard in plain view! How about a privacy fence?
Does anyone know of some place around here that will let you pick strawberries on the halves? If so, call me at 258-9879. Thank you.
I was watching TV the other night and one of the commercials on there absolutely drives me crazy. Sally Field is talking about how her girlfriend had to set aside time every single week to take her calcium pill before she found this great once-a-month pill, and how she was sure glad she found this wonderful time saving creation. Well excuse the crap out of me, but how freaking long does it take to swallow a pill once a week? If my life gets so darn hectic that I don't have enough time to swallow a pill once a week, I hope someone just shoots me and gets me out of my misery and everybody else's too! If the marketing agents couldn't think up a better advertisement than this, I think they need to take a pill or two to increase their thought process.
For the party that was wanting the commercial popcorn popper, you can find one at 472-1451. I appreciate it.
I'd like to speak out about the city of Sikeston a few months ago about the railroad company and the big disagreement they had about the increased train traffic. Well, Sikeston said that they won and the company wasn't going to have increased train traffic. But, it seems to me like the railroad company did exactly like they wanted to do and the train traffic has increased on the original tracks they have always run on. The trains have slowed down so slow, they have really backed traffic up. Seems like to me Sikeston won the battle but they lost the war.
I was just wondering what those signs in the yard mean, "Parents who host lose the most." Just wanted to know the meaning of the signs.