January 29, 2007

The TV news was bad news today for Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Hillary Clinton. Reckon she'll be impeached too, like the pimp was, and lie to the Supreme Court about it? He is such a good liar, I wonder if it's rubbed off on to her. Or if they'll make a brothel out of the White House that we pay all expenses on? Can't you just picture Bill back home underneath his desk and all those big smiles? And now it hasn't taken Hillary long to change her mind on Iraq either. ...

The TV news was bad news today for Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Hillary Clinton. Reckon she'll be impeached too, like the pimp was, and lie to the Supreme Court about it? He is such a good liar, I wonder if it's rubbed off on to her. Or if they'll make a brothel out of the White House that we pay all expenses on? Can't you just picture Bill back home underneath his desk and all those big smiles? And now it hasn't taken Hillary long to change her mind on Iraq either. Doesn't take a fool to recognize what a jokster and mockery team they both make. I think the country has said enough of Benedict Arnold and Hillary. May God help us in America.

I'm calling in regards to the Want it all ad in Sunday's SpeakOut. I disagree with that, because the people in New Orleans were in a tragic event and just wanted help and it took two days for FEMA to get there. You mean to tell me George Bush did everything he could? I don't think so. If it had have rich, white families down there, there would have been somebody down there in five minutes. But just because it was lower class black and Hispanic families down there and older white families, they weren't in a big hurry. If it had been some of them oil rigs down there, he would have broke his neck to get there. That's the problem now, that's why we're fighting in Iraq because of oil. It's not because he wants to make it safe, it's because of oil. There's people suffering right here in southeast Missouri everyday and they can't even get any help. If we were to have a travesty in Mississippi County right now, we would just be up a creek without a paddle. Because they are cutting disabled children off, they're cutting Medicaid off for some children with terminal diseases and things. President Bush is not worried about us. He's worried about the politicians and the rich white families. If you are black, Hispanic, Mexican, biracial or whatever, he doesn't care.

The bowling alley in Charleston sells cheap hot wings on Thursdays and is attracting lots of people from miles away. Great fun bowling with the bar side close by.
