City manager is hired

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

CHARLESTON - A new city manager was named Tuesday for the city of Charleston.

Daniel M. Gruen was announced as the new city manager for Charleston to replace retiring City Manager David Brewer. Brewer has served Charleston for the last 10 years as city manager.

Gruen, 44, was formerly the city administrator of Bowling Green for nearly three years before resigning on amicable terms to seek other professional opportunities, said Mayor Jack Whiteside.

As the chief administrative assistant to the mayor, Gruen worked with a six-

member Board of Aldermen while managing the daily operations of all departments and employees at Bowling Green. Gruen has submitted three fiscal year balanced budgets with expanded services without increasing property or sales taxes, Whiteside said.

Accomplishments during Gruen's time with Bowling Green include a successful settlement and utility rate increase with the Missouri Department of Corrections and the Northeast Correctional Facility that ultimately avoided litigation; and infrastructure improvements to the city's sanitary sewer collection and treatment system, water line replacement program and upgrades to the storm water system. Gruen also identified dedicated funding to finance a library/community center renovation/expansion along with a relocation, renovation and placement of an up-to-date police department with new procedures.

In addition, Gruen has 12 years of municipal and economic development experience, having served on the St. Louis City Board of Alderman for six years and as the director of Economic Development in Jefferson City. Prior to serving in Jefferson City, he began his professional career working in West Plains in a dual role as the director for the Chamber of Commerce and as the city's industrial development specialist.

Gruen is a native of St. Louis, having received a bachelor's and master's degree in urban affairs from Saint Louis University.

"Dan is exactly what we were looking for, a combination of municipal and economic development experience that I believe will serve our city well," said Mayor Jack Whiteside.

Gruen expects to begin as city manager for Charleston on Feb. 27.

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