June 18, 2006

On very rare occasions people are not killed because they were not wearing a seat belt. More often than not they are killed, or paralyzed. When it comes to a motorcycle helmet, there is no question. Bikers say it should be their choice. It's my choice if I want to pay for a nurses aide to wipe your behind for the next 40 years because you had a right to ride without a helmet. I will never support a no helmet law in Missouri. It needs to go further and make strapless helmets illegal...

On very rare occasions people are not killed because they were not wearing a seat belt. More often than not they are killed, or paralyzed. When it comes to a motorcycle helmet, there is no question. Bikers say it should be their choice. It's my choice if I want to pay for a nurses aide to wipe your behind for the next 40 years because you had a right to ride without a helmet. I will never support a no helmet law in Missouri. It needs to go further and make strapless helmets illegal.

Enjoyed the report on the fire on AA Hwy. But East Prairie was there for 7 hours assisting also and had one fire fighter taken to the hospital due to the heat. Give them credit also please.

Civilization comes to Oran

Boy, those people in Oran had to start obeying the law a few months back and now the city wants them to clean up the town. Get rid of junk, mow the grass and put their dogs on a leash! I don't know how they stand it. Too much like civilized people for me!

Let me speak on our American flag. I believe the Bible and our American flag should be loved, respected and honored in this United States of America. You see on TV where they are burning the United States flag, and I see where our post office here in Sikeston, for the last four to six months, the flag that flies over the post office, is torn, it's ripped, it should have been replaced four to six months ago. It's still hanging up there and I can't believe the people don't have enough respect to replace our American flag. Those that disrespect and don't honor the American flag, I think they should lose their citizenship and have to leave this country. We can't comprehend and realize how many American men and women have given their lives for this American flag that we love and respect. Not only did they give their lives, many of them gave parts of their bodies. Many of them are disabled. It hurts me to see a government service like the post office here in Sikeston would fly a flag like there are doing. The flag should have been replaced before someone complained about. We're losing too many young men and women who are defending this flag. Let's respect our flag and our country. Respect it or leave it.

About the apartments on Ingram Street, when I lived there, there was nothing in the contract about being able to fish in the pond, much less have a boat in there with your small kids. What if something should happen to those kids, God forbid? Is the landlord going to take care of that? Probably not. Respect the homeowners in that area and stop trespassing on their property.

Old folks in Sikeston used to have a recipe for what was called "apple stack cake." Does anyone know the recipe and if you do, would you please put it in SpeakOut?

This is to the City Council at Scott City. The lights on M Road going west toward Chaffee are ridiculous. You can't get from one light to the next underneath 55 Hwy, without it changing to red. It's utterly ridiculous. It takes three minutes to get from the intersection at Burger King just to the other side of 55. That's stupid.
