
Support Elks annual fireworks display

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Before you know it, the 4th of July will roll around with all of the patriotic flurry that we would expect. That special time for Americans is perhaps a bit more special this year as American troops battle on foreign lands.

Locally, Sikeston, just like countless other communities, will host a wide array of July 4th activities - a special tradition that we have come to expect and enjoy. But staging local festivities for the 4th of July holiday is an expensive venture.

The Sikeston Elks Lodge 2319 took over responsibility for the July 4th fireworks display many years ago and has entertained crowds in the thousands over the years. But as is often the case, financial support for the annual event has diminished and the Elks Lodge has been asked to dig deep into its pockets to fund the fireworks display.

Through the years, a number of businesses and organizations helped by donating to the Elks. In turn, the Elks took their own money and manpower and made the display possible. But as the expense continues to grow and the financial support diminish, the Elks have struggled to stage the annual event.

The Elks are again this year promising to host the annual fireworks display for the Sikeston area. But they need the help of individuals, businesses and organizations to make this event something in which our entire region can take pride. Any size donation would help to offset the expenses that the Elks absorb year in and year out.

Like all other communities, Sikeston needs to show patriotic spirit this 4th of July and there is no better way than to gather and collectively watch a beautiful fireworks display. That event allows us to explain the importance of the holiday to our children and to show our national pride at this important time.

Take time today to consider a donation to the Elks to help provide a special display this year. Send your donations to the Sikeston Elks Lodge Fireworks Committee, P.O. Box 931, Sikeston, MO 63801. And when you make that donation, you will be a part of bringing this important event to our community.

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