
Absurd request is now a court issue

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Just when I thought I had seen it all, I read the story of Robert Kosilek. I'm not really sure where to begin.OK, Kosilek is a convicted murderer serving a life sentence in Massachusetts. Kosilek strangled his wife in 1990. He says it was in self-defense after his wife spilled boiling tea in his lap. Jurors didn't buy that argument.

But now Robert Kosilek wants to become Michelle and has sued to force the government to fund his sex-change operation. Kosilek argues that the refusal to allow his sex-change operation violates the Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment. I personally doubt if the framers of the Constitution had sex-change operations in mind when they adopted the Eighth Amendment.

Turns out, Kosilek is not alone. Dozens of prison inmates across the country have also filed suit for the gender changing procedure.

Kosilek says he does not want to live any longer if he is "forced" to remain a man. He has twice attempted suicide. I say give the poor man his wish and let him die.

I come across quirky news in this business every single day. That's not unusual. But the absurdity of this story is amazing. It's not so absurd that the convicted murderer wants a sex change. It's absurd that his obscene request has made its way into the courts. Don't the courts have more important matters?

Regardless of the outcome, taxpayers will spend thousands of dollars to resolve this matter. That in itself is yet another crime.

We have become a society that seeks to run to the courts for everything imaginable. I don't think that is the purpose of the judicial branch of government. But we have no one to blame but ourselves. Until we demand that common sense and logic return to the national dialogue, we'll continue to be amazed.

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