SpeakOut 8-31
Bunch of baloney
Jo Ann Emerson, I just read your article in the newspaper about the Social Security situation, and it was the biggest bunch of baloney that's come from you yet. The finger of blame that you're pointing at others should be directed back at you. You claim to have railed against increases in entitlement programs, but all I remember you doing is railing for increases in food stamp payments. You and your party have been in control of the presidency and Congress from '94 until recently. Why didn't you make the needed changes in Social Security when you had the chance? I think we all know it's because you didn't want to lose your seats. You say we should fine-tune it and make programs as strong for the future as we can. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. You're part of the problem - all talk and no solutions.
A terrible mess
I'm calling about the article in the paper about the yards - blowing their grass out in the streets and all. We live in Matthews and we've got some people down here that does that. They don't do anything but cause a mess in the street for people that like to walk and get exercise and the kids that ride their bicycles. When in rains on that grass that they blow 2 or 3 passes in the yard out in the street, it just makes a terrible mess. You can look at the way their yard's mowed and tell what kind of operation they're running. It's just pitiful!
Still raking
I was just reading in SpeakOut where these people were blowing their leaves into someone else's yard and not cleaning them up. It said, We used to have rakes." I still have rakes. Tell them they can go to Lowe's. Lowe's has rakes, so do other places in town. They just want to gripe.
Keys bee lost
If you have found a set of keys with a large bee on the chain, would you please return them. Call 471-0312. I think I know what vicinity they were lost in. Please return them.
Directory assistance
What is the telephone number of the Better Business Bureau?
The closest Better Business Bureau is in St. Louis. Their number is 314-645-3300.