By 2-to-1 margins Americans detest handing over $700 billion to financial institutions as a reward for buying dead paper. But these institutions are not the ultimate beneficiaries, nor the originators of the disaster. ACORN with the news media solidly behind them produced this disaster with intimidation tactics which ACORN used starting in CHICAGO bullying banks into giving money to people who had no means of repaying a mortgage under the guise of promoting Affordable Housing!
The banks gave in with the assurance that government programs Freddie and Fanny would protect them. This inflated the housing market and high risk speculators went crazy. A phony market was created with dead paper originally purchased by small banks then bundled by huge corporate giants with Fanny and Freddie assurance. Democrats running Fanny and
Freddie granted themselves enormous bonuses by cooking the books (can you say Enron?) and doled money out to socialist candidates. Where are the perp-walks that democrats demand for republicans and corporate executives? Freddie and Fanny became a slush fund raided by democrats advancing a Marxist scheme to CHANGE our form of government! This so-called crisis has been manufactured by ACORN (and an Illinois Senator) through a socialist infiltrated media who have turned right and wrong upside down in order to advance socialism. Democrats having manipulated our economy into a corner now issue the taxpayers their ultimatum. Yes? Democrats are on the threshold of a communist takeover of our government. Electing an ACORN organizer seals the deal. Just say NO!
John McMillen Sikeston, MO