November 16, 2008

One of the opportunities afforded me as the executive director of the Sikeston-Miner Convention & Visitors Bureau is to participate in various seminars and conventions promoting tourism on a local, state and national level. This weekend, I will be traveling to Pittsburgh, Pa. to the National Tour Association Convention. Tour operators, event planners, meeting planners and destination marketing organizations from all around the world will be participating in this five-day event...

Lynne Williams
story image illustation

One of the opportunities afforded me as the executive director of the Sikeston-Miner Convention & Visitors Bureau is to participate in various seminars and conventions promoting tourism on a local, state and national level. This weekend, I will be traveling to Pittsburgh, Pa. to the National Tour Association Convention. Tour operators, event planners, meeting planners and destination marketing organizations from all around the world will be participating in this five-day event.

The convention not only provides an opportunity for me to promote everything we have to offer here in Sikeston-Miner, but also creates many various opportunities to network with others in the travel and tourism industry. Many educational seminars are offered to attendees, and I look forward to furthering my knowledge on how and where to best promote my home, Sikeston and Miner. I can hardly wait to share ideas with, and learn from the valuable experiences of others in the industry, as well as finding ways to implement these ideas to promote the hotels, restaurants, merchants, attractions and events that we have to offer here. Attendance to these conventions and seminars is partially funded through Co-op Marketing with the Missouri Department of Tourism.

We have an exciting lineup of events to look forward to during this holiday season including, but not limited to, the Downtown Merchants Holiday Open House this weekend, Santa at the Band Stand on Dec. 6, the Christmas Home Tours on Dec. 7, the Living Christmas Scenes on Dec.10 and 12 and the Christmas Choral Concert Choir Presentation on Dec. 14. Bring your out-of-town family and friends with you and attend one or all of these events that is sure to put you in the holiday spirit!

As always, if you have ideas or suggestions for me at the CVB, please call me at 573-471-6362, or email me at Happy Holidays!
