SIKESTON - Lula B. Craft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Craft, was among students at the University of Missouri honored recently at the second annual honor convocation.
SIKESTON - The Sikeston High School Drama Club will present "The Dead of the Night," a mystery in three acts Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m. in the junior high school gymnasium.
SIKESTON - Sikeston's downtown business district could once again be a focal point for business under a plan called the Main Street Program. The program is a nationwide development plan for rural downtown business districts. The Missouri Legislature approved its version of the plan this spring, but the plan won't begin until next year.
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SIKESTON - This is National Education Week. Most people see teachers and administrators as the only key personnel in education. Often times, the behind-the-scenes staff members who keep schools running smoothly are overlooked. Secretaries, nurses, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, custodians and maintenance personnel are all indispensable to the daily function of public schools. But the difficulty and magnitude of their jobs seemingly goes unrealized.
SIKESTON - Mark Grieshaber, a member of the Sikeston Cultural Development Corporation, was one of the featured speakers at Thursday's Salute to Downtown sponsored by the Sikeston Area Chamber of Commerce.
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BLOOMFIELD - The Stoddard County Sheriff's Department has reported the recovery of a stolen four wheeler. According to Sheriff Steve Fish, Stoddard County deputies were contacted by local farmers who had found the vehicle hidden in some bushes southwest of Dexter. Upon further investigation, it was determined to be the one stolen Oct. 3 in New Madrid County. The investigation is continuing by the New Madrid County Sheriff's Department.