December 19, 2008

I just read this evenings paper and read the comments titled Crackdown. I agree with this article completely. The welfare problem is just one of many problems the government has created for all of us to pay for from our toils. The welfare problem is one that will continue to plague this great country for many years unless we the American public force our Congress people and state representatives to take action. ...

Stop the cycle

I just read this evenings paper and read the comments titled Crackdown. I agree with this article completely. The welfare problem is just one of many problems the government has created for all of us to pay for from our toils. The welfare problem is one that will continue to plague this great country for many years unless we the American public force our Congress people and state representatives to take action. I continue to see birth announcements in the paper of unwed mothers having their six or seventh child, which will certainly be paid for by our taxes. When these children grow to adulthood we will probably have to pay for them to take in air and sustenance for the remainder of their lives either through welfare or through the Department of Corrections. This cycle has to stop! People that are having these children are not only irresponsible citizens but irresponsible parents as well. We all need to start contacting our representatives to encourage new laws to limit the tax payers exposure to the welfare recipient lack of responsibility. Some people speak like they are actually proud to be on welfare when in fact a person should be ashamed that they have to depend on the rest of society to survive. The cycle of welfare is a vicious one that continues from one generation to next, growing continuously with each generation. Lastly to all the people who cried when the election results were final, I too cried. I was disappointed with the result, but in one regard I was very happy that this absolutely proves that through hard work anything is possible in this country. I did not vote for President elect Obama but I will pray that God gives him the wisdom and guidance to lead "our" country. Congratulations and thank you Mr. Obama, for your service to this great nation!

I beg your pardon

I beg President Bush to leave with a legacy of compassion by pardoning Governor Rod Blogjevich.

Tough enough

Mike Jensen recently credited Mo. Governor Matt Blunt for making a "tough decision" to save Missouri money by drastically cutting Medicaid. What's tough about that? What would have been tough and courageous would have been to cut welfare for the wealthy coming in the form of direct or indirect tax breaks for businesses and corporations. There is nothing at all difficult in making a decision to save money by exploiting the least among us. It's just sad. terribly sad.

Too close to home

I read about more layoffs at Noranda and I pray for the people and the families that this affects. I pray for all people losing there jobs but since I live in the New Madrid area this just hits close to home for me. What makes me most mad is that awhile back I had heard tale that one or two companies were interested in putting industrial plants out that way and that the two major companies (already out there) blocked it somehow, mainly because the companies may have offered more money and they would have lost some employees. This upsets me because now on top of it already being hard to find a decent job in this area, these companies that wanted to come to our area could have helped offset some of this tragedy. I know we will never know whether this would have really helped out or not because the economy is so bad now, but from now on maybe if someone offers to help out our little area by being interested in our county. Maybe we could open our minds and think beyond just ourselves.

He's a mover

December 9 - Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested on corruption charges, "The breadth of corruption laid out in these charges is staggering," said U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald in a statement. Well, well, well, looks like Democrat's chickens are coming home to roost." Looks like Obama's burning some more bridges now that he's finished using the Chicago mob to get 'em in the White House. First Rev. Wright, now the governor? Looks like little Hitler is making his moves early. You Dems just loved Patrick Fitzgerald when Bush haters sicced him onto Karl Rove and Dick Cheney on trumped up charges. Let's hear your legendary self-righteous demands for ol' "Rod the Robber's" scalp now. Come on now Dumocrats give us an example of that high minded bi-partisanship you demand from your opposition.

Drain the rain

I just read in the paper how Sikeston is going to design the downtown area. I think that they need to worry about some of the problems we already have here in Sikeston. They need to drains on Winter and Spring Street. I know there's not one drain on Winter Street. When it rains, the streets and the yards are flooded.

Cut it out

I'm from Mississippi County, Mo. I own a couple of businesses and have donated quite a bit of money to the Mississippi County Rescue Squad. I was reading the County Times newspaper and noticed that the county commissioner believes that the sheriff's department supposedly bought chain saws for cutting brush away from accidents and stuff. It's kind of weird that they're cutting brush and stuff from accidents when we have a very wonderful rescue squad here in Mississippi County. What do the citizens think about that one?

No, no and no

This is in regards to the proposed sales tax for the county. I looked at my county tax, which they said would drop, it's about $10 a year. I figured up what I would pay in sales tax if this passed and it would add up to over $40 a year. Therefore, I will be paying four times more and the county is trying to portray this as I would be saving money. Everybody needs to look at that closely. I'm not paying four times more. The vote first time was no and the second time is no.

Tip of the iceberg

With the arrest of Blagojevich, my guess is the tip on the iceberg in Illinois politics is only beginning to emerge.

Beer, cigarettes and potted meat

Since Obama has been elected president, the price of gas continues to fall. Hey, I've got plenty of money to drink Old Milwaukee beer, smoke Marlboro Lights and still have money left for potted meat and crackers. Things are looking up. Let the good times roll.
