Numbers up for Lady Bearcats tennis team

Sunday, August 16, 2009

DEXTER -- The Dexter tennis team has doubled from one season to the next.

With only seven players total on last year's squad, the Lady Bearcats will have 14 players which will make a full squadron of players to choose from.

"We'll at least have enough players for a full team," Dexter head coach Leanne Dooley said.

Three of the seven from last years team left due to graduation. Katelyn Heil, Julie Bell and Jill Temples carried the team in their senior year.

Those returning are Catherine Kinchen (Jr.), Audra Lasater (Jr.), Jessica Snider (Soph.) and Shanna Gant (Soph.) who all will bring much needed experience with the remaining 10 players coming out for their first year of tennis.

"We will be somewhat inexperienced at positions five through 14," Dooley said. "Last year we had very few players with much varsity experience and I'm figuring this year will be somewhat better."

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