January 26, 2010

scottw@standard-democrat.com SIKESTON -- Moving over or slowing down for emergency vehicles stopped on the side of the road isn't just common courtesy -- it's the law. The Sikeston Department of Public Safety is reminding the public of the importance of obeying the Missouri law requiring motorists who approach a stationary emergency vehicle to move over in another lane when possible or to slow down and proceed with caution when changing lanes is unsafe or not possible...


SIKESTON -- Moving over or slowing down for emergency vehicles stopped on the side of the road isn't just common courtesy -- it's the law.

The Sikeston Department of Public Safety is reminding the public of the importance of obeying the Missouri law requiring motorists who approach a stationary emergency vehicle to move over in another lane when possible or to slow down and proceed with caution when changing lanes is unsafe or not possible.

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