Kinder's efforts deserve support

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The residents of this state owe a debt of gratitude to Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder who this week filed suit to halt the federal health care overhaul shoved through Congress by the Obama administration.

Kinder had promised to sue the feds over the plan and made good on that promise this week.

Kinder said the health care overhaul is unconstitutional and would make health care more expensive.

Kinder's suit is one of many filed across the nation to protest the massive overhaul approved by Congress.

Federal officials said this week that they will fight the Kinder suit as they are the others filed elsewhere. They argue the new law is constitutional and dispute all claims filed in the lawsuit.

Kinder took the action because the state of Missouri has failed to address the problem. State officials say they are monitoring and studying the federal legislation but thus far, have failed to file suit.

In a disappointing statement, Democratic officials wanted to know where Kinder raised the money to file the lawsuit. But the same Democratic official failed to address the substance of the suit. That is truly disappointing.

Kinder's action is what many of us would like to do. He is screaming at the top of his lungs that the federal overhaul will erode health care, add to the costs and potentially bankrupt states forced to pay higher costs for Medicaid.

And Kinder is right.

With Medicaid currently siphoning one-third of Missouri's annual state budget, any additional costs will likely result in higher taxes for working Missourians. The prospect of "rationing" care under the federal plan is a frightening prospect.

Despite the will of the people, the Obama administration continues to move the legislation into the health care system. Kinder - and others - are finally saying it's time we listen to the will of the people.

On this point, Peter Kinder is right. He deserves our praise and our support.

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