This is not my favorite time of year. That's putting it mildly. The weather is changing in a direction I don't favor. Sunshine is diminished every single day. The Cardinals - once again - are not in the playoffs, golf is winding down and I'm no fan of the hectic holiday season that is rapidly approaching.
But this year comes an election that may change my attitude. By most accounts, there is a good prospect that conservative values will come out ahead in the November elections and perhaps there will be a move to slow the spending and lunacy that has enveloped Washington, D.C.
The final big economic news hit the fans on Friday with jobless claims taking a substantial jump. The party in power - like it or not - will take the backlash over the faltering economic news. I couldn't be any happier.
I am not happy because the economy is in the tank. Not by a mile. I am happy that perhaps sanity will be somewhat restored and maybe we have a small chance to undo some of the harm inflicted on our pocketbooks and social structure.
In our little corner of the world, we have influence on our Congressional delegate and the person we send to the Senate from Missouri. If polls are to be believed - take that for what it's worth - then Jo Ann Emerson is likely to retain her seat in Congress and Roy Blunt is likely to replace Kit Bond in the Senate.
If those two elections produce that outcome, we in this region will have done our part to reverse the dismal trend in the federal government. Granted, those are just two voices to fight the good fight but that's all we can do.
But the real work begins following Nov. 2. And that prospect for improvement is less clear.
The American people - despite an avalanche of mistruths coming from the mainstream media - are finally waking to the fact that the promises of 2008 are turning into the nightmares of 2010 and beyond. It's less important to now discuss how this massive mistake was made. It's important only to fight for the changes that will return this nation to prosperity and cultural sanity.
Don't ever believe that elections are unimportant. Surely we have learned by now.
By sending Emerson and Blunt to fight for our future, we have done our part. We can only hope and pray that other parts of this great nation do their part.