November 28, 2010

Kevin Harbison, far right, sings to Madelyn Dambach "The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing," featured in the upcoming production of "White Christmas." The students at New Madrid County Central are rehearsing the Irving Berlin musical which will be performed at the school Dec. ...

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Kevin Harbison, far right, sings to Madelyn Dambach "The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing," featured in the upcoming production of "White Christmas." The students at New Madrid County Central are rehearsing the Irving Berlin musical which will be performed at the school Dec. 9-11. Pictured from left are: Carly Phillips, Aaron Waters, Abby Robinson, Jamie Hardin, Candace Redman and Amir Waters, Seated at the table are: Jessie Cowan and Mariah Griggs. Tickets are available by calling the school at 688-2165.
