February 9, 2011

Rotary Club members served more than 1,000 bowls of chili to customers at noontime Tuesday and expected another 500 bowls to be served Tuesday evening making it a record-setting turnout. Some 30 members of the local civic group assisted in the 57th Annual Chili Day, which raises funds for the Sikeston Rotary Club to support the Kenny Rogers Children's Center, maintain Rotary Park, provide scholarships and fund other projects in the community and with the international organization. ...

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Rotary Club members served more than 1,000 bowls of chili to customers at noontime Tuesday and expected another 500 bowls to be served Tuesday evening making it a record-setting turnout. Some 30 members of the local civic group assisted in the 57th Annual Chili Day, which raises funds for the Sikeston Rotary Club to support the Kenny Rogers Children's Center, maintain Rotary Park, provide scholarships and fund other projects in the community and with the international organization. Above: Rotary member Doris Eftink oversees the large pots of chili and hotdogs cooking on the stove.
