Winter go away, bring on spring

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Let me state the obvious. I am certainly not alone in wishing, hoping and praying that the winter weather is behind us. Granted, I know the calendar says it's just mid-February but surely we've had our share of winter weather and can look forward to some much-needed relief.

Thank you weatherman for the upcoming weather predictions. This winter has not had the monumental ice storm of two years ago but this weather seems to have been hanging around far too long.

We all know that Mother Nature always wins. We've had that discussion before. And we also know that if you don't like the weather here, you can always take your cold fanny somewhere else.

But this winter, there hasn't been a whole lot of "somewhere else." This year's miserable weather has stretched virtually from coast to coast. And like you, I have friends and family elsewhere who are singing the very same song.

I pay little attention to the experts who so fondly point out that this winter has not been as wicked as I believe. All I know is that we've had enough snow, ice, wind and cold to make everyone yearn for some relief.

I started to get into a discussion on global warming but I don't have the stomach for that debate. I just find is humorous that some "experts" say we are experiencing this winter weather because of global warming. Does that mean a mild winter would be proof that global warming is a hoax? I am clearly confused. And I blame that confusion squarely on this pathetic weather.

In recent years I have boasted about my ability to handle winter weather better than my younger years. I am now paying the price for that prideful boast. I was wrong. I hate this mess more today than ever. End of discussion!

I know for a fact that hidden somewhere in my humble abode are some short sleeve shirts, some golf clubs and - to many people's disgust - some summer shorts. It may not yet be time to begin the search for these fair-weather items but I hope to begin that task this week.

The only thing we can truly do about the weather is to complain. That is today's mission. And through those complaints, perhaps Mother Nature will take pity on our frozen souls and provide some relief.

PS: Happy Birthday Dad and Son. Since both of you love this weather just as much as I do, just remember that beneath that snow and ice rests a yard to mow, a garden to plant and weeds to pull. Maybe not today but soon!

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