
Government won't make cuts needed

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

There are but two guarantees locked into the "grand bargain" deal proposed by President Obama to end the debt ceiling stalemate. First, the taxes he proposes will be with the American people for all eternity; second, the cuts he proposes will most likely be undone by future members of Congress.

And that, by definition, is no "grand bargain!"

In a political equivalent of Russian roulette, both sides on this critical debt ceiling debate promise not to budge from their core positions. The administration - like all Democratic administrations - wants higher corporate taxes, higher taxes on their definition of the "rich" and others.

The Republicans meanwhile refuse to support any tax hike and demand substantial spending cuts.

This President seems intent on creating class warfare with his asinine comparison of corporate jet tax breaks versus spending cuts for children. If that's the best he can do, it says much about his true intentions.

To continue support for their constituents, the Democrats need higher tax revenues. But they seem to ignore the spending machine that is creating this crisis. To cut spending would be to endanger their voters.

And we all know that 2012 is an election year, right?

I think the majority of Americans know little or care little about corporate jet depreciation. I also suspect that oil company deductions for exploration expenses does not keep many of us up at night.

Here are the spending cuts that most Americans want and would support. Too many of our fellow citizens are able-bodied and yet live off of a monthly taxpayer-funded check. We can see these people every day. We want to help those in need and, on a voluntary basis, many of us provide financial support for this population because we feel it is our responsibility. Call it Christian duty in this politically-correct age.

We can see with our own eyes the abuses of the welfare system. And our attitude is not one of envy but rather of sheer disgust that we are "forced" to pay for those who make no effort to improve themselves.

We are tired of paying for multiple children, of paying disability checks for those who lie and abuse the system and of paying for the medical care for those who receive more care than we can provide for our own families.

When I think in terms of cutting spending, that is my target. I don't know what the savings would be but I do know the symbolic nature of these cuts would be welcome news for many of us.

Cut spending that supports these lifestyles. And when those promises are made and fulfilled, then talk to me about tax increases.

But have you noticed that in these lengthy discussions, no word is said about this budget-sucking population. One side seems unwilling to attack their voting bloc and the other side seems too fearful about political correctness to touch the topic.

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