CHARLESTON -- Paving Pros will do blacktopping for Mississippi County this year.
County Commissioners said during their regular meeting Thursday that vendors were asked to submit bids listing their price per ton to lay asphalt caps on county roads.
In addition to offering the low bid of $77.75 per ton for an estimated total of $193,221, Paving Pros of Oak Ridge is able to begin work sooner than the next lowest bidder, according to Presiding County Commissioner Carlin Bennett.
"My understanding is Paving Pros are going to start work next week," Bennett said.
Also bidding were Apex Paving Company of Cape Girardeau at $79 per ton and Asa Asphalt of Advance at $88.
Overlays will include sections of County Roads 525, 522, 533, 416, 413, 409, 220 and 530, Eddie Street, Wayne Street and Sandy Lane, according to commissioners.
On county roads that are partly gravel, asphalt will only be laid on portions which are already blacktopped, according to Commissioner Steve Jones, while other roads on the list will get overlays "on the worst part."
The blacktopping will also include an overlay on East Main both within and outside of East Prairie's city limits.
Commissioners explained the city and county are able to get a lower price by bidding that road all at once.
The city will reimburse the county $24,206.50 for its share of the road within two years, according to Bennett.
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