Popular Super Bowl commercial features a native of Sikeston

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Sikeston native Jacqueline Scott and her partner, played by Jonah Folk, team up to snatch a snack in this photo by Doritos from the Super Bowl commercial "Sling Baby."


SIKESTON -- Doritos' slingshot grandma may well have honed her marksmanship during her summers in Sikeston.

Among the top commercials which aired Sunday during the Super Bowl was "Sling Baby" in which a wheelchair-bound grandmother and an infant team up to retrieve a bag of Doritos from a bully who taunts them with the snack from a tree house.

What many may not know is that the veteran actress who plays the grandmother is Sikeston native Jacqueline Scott.

"I think its so cute," Scott said Tuesday. "It was so well done -- it's really a good commercial."

Scott, daughter of the late John and Maxine Scott and granddaughter of R.C. and Susie Finley, was born in Sikeston in 1935.

"My grandfather was a farmer in the Sikeston area," she said.

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