LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- Charles H. Bradham, 78, formerly of East Prairie, Mo., died July 12, 2012.
Born Dec. 19, 1933, in East Prairie, to the late Rae Catherine Nunn and George Herbert
Bradham, he was an electronics technician for the U.S. Air Force, FAA and National Weather
Service for 30 years. He had lived in Arkansas since 1966 and was a member of Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church at Lake Norrell.
He was married to Charlene Uthoff, who survives of the home.
Other survivors include: two daughters and a son-in-law, Vicki Rae Bradham and
Charla Marie and John Adams; a son and daughter-in-law, Mark Duaine and Tanya Bradham; one sister, Emma Lou Overby; and one great-granddaughter.
He was preceded in death by one daughter, Elizabeth Ann Bradham; three brothers, Gary Bradham, Richard Bradham and Leroy Bradham; and two grandchildren.
Memorial services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Saturday at Pleasant Hills United Methodist Church, 3500 W. Lawson Road, in Alexander. There will also be a memorial service at 1 p.m. Sunday in the Dogwood Cemetery near East Prairie.
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