Administration fails to give us the truth

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A White House senior advisor said Sunday that it was "irrelevant" where the President was during the raid on the Benghazi compound where four Americans were killed.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked with great indignation "What difference, at this point, does it matter," when questioned about the "talking points" of the Benghazi raid.

And the ever-popular White House spokesman Jay Carney reminds us that Benghazi was "a long time ago."

Apparently, this marks the new definition of transparency!

With three scandals now surrounding the White House - if you are counting - you start to get a clear sense of the mindset that marks this administration.

To me, what's fascinating is not the phone tapping of news sources or the IRS targeting conservative groups or even the continuing fanny-covering that is so blatantly obvious over the Benghazi tragedy.

It's the approach of the Obama administration on how to address and eventually resolve this trio of questionable tactics.

When pushed into a corner, this administration dodges, lies and points the finger of blame in all directions.

There is a frightening coordination of phony talking points that is so obvious only a diehard Obama supporter would not question.

I have no idea where these investigation will take us. But the damage has been done and trotting out a battery of administration lackeys won't change the narrative.

Or the truth.

Over the weekend, this President spoke at college commencement services that could have provided a platform for an admission of mistakes and a promise to take action.

But instead, his theme was the continuing struggle of minorities.

When the winds of controversy swirl around this administration, their first approach is to shore-up their base and ignore the issues of supreme importance.

More heads are likely to fall following more investigations and Congressional hearings. But it makes you wonder if we'll ever reach the truth on any of these isolated issues.

The greatest hope is that these terrible issues will stick in the minds of voters and next year more new faces dot the Senate and House.

Then, and only then, can we hope to weather the final two years of this storm named Obama and find our way back to sanity, decency and honesty.

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