Sunday, June 2, 2013

A constant stream

To the person who said East Prairie has no traffic, are you kidding? I sat in the Eagle office for about 15 minutes today on the corner of Main and Washington streets, and it was one car after another, and it was 1:30 in the afternoon. This person must only get to town at 2 in the morning not to see this traffic. I even made a comment at this time that East Prairie had more traffic per population than any town around. I don't want to make Main Street one-way either. I think it's because you come out of the bank and the drugstore drive thru on to Main. You have to stop and look both ways. It's like any other stop. You have to look.

Where they at?

Where is the Republican headquarters? They've moved.

The Republicans do not have headquarters in Sikeston. Instead they meet once a month at a designated location. The next meeting is at 5:30 p.m. June 3 at Diebold's.

Fair turnabout

I would like to know your opinion about a man who would take an extension cord and whoop his young boy and young daughter with it. I think he needs to have an extension cord used on him, don't you?

Works for me!