These creditors and banks, one thing about it, when you get to heaven God ain't gonna worry what your credit line is. He's gonna want to know what you did with the money you had on earth, if you helped other people that needed it such as homeless and unemployed. Yeah, you won't have to worry about your credit line when you go to heaven.
I see where our city council is at it again. They have decided to enforce the ordinance on people letting grass clippings go out into the streets. Where is our street sweeper? If they would crack down on the professional lawn care services, that would resolve 90 percent of the problem.
I would like to speakout about the food pantries in area churches. They are supposed to help the hungry. When you call them, you have to wait so long. I am not the type of person to call for food every month or every week. Me and my disabled daughter are here and I've called to try to get help with food. I have really lost my faith in churches. They don't want to help you. They get this food but they don't want to give you none of it. I just want them to know that I'm gonna pray that God will give them a heart to help the hungry. I wouldn't have called if I didn't need it. I really don't understand. When people call for food they are not calling just for the fun of it.
Today I witnessed something that was so sad. Someone hit a baby kitty and just kept going like the kitty was nothing. I didn't know the kitty, but I placed a flower at the sight she was hit, at the corner by the Standard Democrat. I don't know if that person was aware if they kit the kitty or not, but it was so sad. It just blew my away. I never wanted a kitty, but now I do, and I will get one. I will name her after her, and the name I gave her was Sparkles. And I pray that you rest in peace kitty. Sparkles, you will be a sparkle in my eye forever. And God bless who ever hit her.
This is in reference to "Here comes the judge" in the Sept. 11 newspaper. You are so right about people judging other people. The one thing that stood out the most is shame on the Standard Democrat for including such disgusting discrimination in their paper. This is not the first time and it had nothing to do with someone married or who they are gonna be with. It has something to do with the article awhile back about George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin. The same thing was in the paper and how dare you put such discriminating comments in the paper. Shame on SpeakOut.