November 1, 2013

When will the Standard Democrat ever print things from Democrats? All we ever see is Republican bull crap. We printed your call. Enough said? Hello sports world. I was reading a thing on the Yahoo, someone complaining why do these baseball players have these beards. ...

Equal time

When will the Standard Democrat ever print things from Democrats? All we ever see is Republican bull crap.

We printed your call. Enough said?

A hairy situation

Hello sports world. I was reading a thing on the Yahoo, someone complaining why do these baseball players have these beards. Why is it an issue? Look at football. Some of the black players have these stringy hairs hanging down and you can't even read their names no more. It's all a dress issue, 'look at me, look at me.' The only reason we know their name is the announcers know their number on TV. The beards don't cover up their names in baseball. Let's get back to sports the way it should be. Have some decent respect for the sport. Both of them, any of them, all of them. Let's play ball, boys.

A wave for the pave

I would like to thank the State Highway Department for paving Sandywood Road and cutting all the trees and brush on H Highway. Thanks again.

You are right

Wednesday, Oct. 23, there was a Speakout, "What is the definition of poor?" Exactly right, a hundred percent accurate, I applaud whoever wrote that.
