Saturday, November 2, 2013

And I quote

One of our founding men, Daniel Webster said, and I will quote, "Hold on my friends to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. That what has happened once in 6,000 years may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world." Again that is a quote of Daniel Webster. Daniel Webster was the author and compiler of our standard and well-used English Dictionary.

Blame the farmers

I just read in your paper that the health insurance for Mississippi County workers will be $800,000 for the next year because the workers are the most unhealthy people that the insurance company covers. Might I suggest that the County Court divide the $800,000 between each of the landowners of farm land in the county. I believe there are 150,000 acres in the spillway alone. No where else in this nation except the Missouri Bootheel can farmers spray chemicals in the air two or three times a season and then burn the fields and fill our air with all those poisons. The rest of the nation has a clear air act.

He can't Cruz

I just read in the paper where Tea Party's Cruz may be running for president and hasn't ruled out. I mean the jerk maybe a citizen now but he was not born in the United States. How could he run for president? You have to be born in the United States before you can run for president. Let's get a life here people.