December 11, 2013

Sin is sin. The Bible says we've all sinned and fell short of the glory of God. But gays and lesbians choose the lifestyle they choose to live. We are not born that way. And when you have these so-called TV preachers who don't have the backbone about them to call it what it is, sin, you have a problem. They are called wolves dressed up in sheep's clothing. These preachers are all about pleasing the people not the Lord Jesus Christ. They don't need to be behind the pulpit preaching...

Tell it like it is

Sin is sin. The Bible says we've all sinned and fell short of the glory of God. But gays and lesbians choose the lifestyle they choose to live. We are not born that way. And when you have these so-called TV preachers who don't have the backbone about them to call it what it is, sin, you have a problem. They are called wolves dressed up in sheep's clothing. These preachers are all about pleasing the people not the Lord Jesus Christ. They don't need to be behind the pulpit preaching.

Non-customer wants service

Although a customer of a different bank, I have always been able to get a particularly useful calendar put out by one of the banks. All of a sudden this year, the first question is, "Are you a customer?" What a silly, snobbish thing to do. If I ever decide to switch banks, it won't be to one that chooses to differentiate between customers and non-customers and which calendar they give out.

Stealers never win

A lot of people are always fussing about someone stealing their husband or wife. Don't the ones that are stealing have sense enough to know that if they can steal them from someone, they can be stole from them? And they probably well deserve it.

Can anybody zip it up?

Is there anybody in the Sikeston or Benton area that puts zippers on jackets or lightweight coats? If there is, can you put your number in the paper?

Event was listed beforehand

There was an article in the Dec. 3 paper about the Open House at Oaks Center celebrating their 40th anniversary from 4-6 p.m. My newspaper gets here at 5 o'clock, so there was no way I or probably any other citizen of Sikeston could have participated. Couldn't we have information like this a day or two ahead of time? It would certainly benefit the people to be notified prior to such an event.

The announcement of the anniversary celebration upcoming event ran on Page 2 of our Friday, Nov. 29; Sunday, Dec. 1; and Monday, Dec. 2 Calendar of Events column. Also, the story was posted online Monday afternoon before the event was held on Tuesday.
