Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Return to sender

I don't know about y'all, but I am so tired of getting all this junk mail. So I have started a campaign of sending them back their letters and telling them to take me off their mailing list, especially to the ones that have prepaid stamped envelopes. That is gonna cost them money. If they get enough people that send them back their envelopes that are prepaid, they might quit sending out all this junk mail.

Just burns me up

I would like to say something about these people who work in these warehouses that don't have any heat and air. They are the ones that keep the plant going. If they don't have heat and air, nobody in the plant should have heat and air. That's utterly ridiculous. The little secretaries just sit in the office, paint their nails and yack and play on the internet, but they have heating and cooling. They need to have the people that make the business have heat and air or cut it off for everybody.

Shooting for target practice

I want to know what people are going to do about these police officers who are just shooting people. They don't even give them a chance. They just shoot them because they can and they know they can get by with it. I just heard on the news that a retired policeman shot a man in a movie theater. He was retired, but he'll get by with it. The police officers need to be prosecuted just like everybody else, and if they're guilty they need to lose their jobs. If policemen shoot someone in the line of duty to save their life or someone else's, that's different. But nowadays they just shoot anybody and everybody. They shouldn't be paid to just get out their and kill people.

Please pay attention. it's the individual who takes stupid actions and has nothing to do with their former profession. This character in Florida had a previous similar - though not fatal - incident. He just happened to be a retired law enforcement officer.