February 26, 2014

About this school bond proposal, if I understand it correctly, it applies to city and county taxes both real estate and personal property. My question is, how does it affect the citizens of Sikeston that live in New Madrid County? There county taxes all go to New Madrid. Either way, I will vote against this ridiculous outrageous increase...

Tax question

About this school bond proposal, if I understand it correctly, it applies to city and county taxes both real estate and personal property. My question is, how does it affect the citizens of Sikeston that live in New Madrid County? There county taxes all go to New Madrid. Either way, I will vote against this ridiculous outrageous increase.

The Sikeston R6 School Bond Proposal will go toward the county tax on both real estate and personal property, not the city tax. Sikeston school district is in both Scott and New Madrid counties so those people who live in New Madrid county and live within our school district would pay Sikeston school tax.

Smoke break

I was in the license bureau and counted 21 people standing in line there. Most of them came in there on their lunch hour. Right in the middle of it, a girl picks up, goes outside and smokes her a cigarette. I think that's pretty poor taste in how to run a government business.

Looking for the change

This is in response to "Trying to make a living" in the Feb. 7 SpeakOut. I see where it has been added about income eligibility for poverty levels. It looks like it was added on to make it look like the person that called in a complete fool by answering their own questions. What I want to know is what is the dollar amount for this poverty level as far as getting eligibility for Medicaid? You are giving me percentages but no dollar amount for a family of two making $11,000 a year with no children so they are not parents. But then, I guess if you want to look at the broadside of it, Missouri is more interested in changing the flag that has been here for over a 100 years. Why not change the American flag? After all, isn't the U.S. kinda owned by China now for all the debts that are owed to them? Why not change the American flag to match up what we owe to China? Makes sense to me than how we pretend to help our people trying to make a living and trying to get help with our insurance.

Fair turnabout

This is about the big dinner for Obama and the French prime minister or whatever. They said they spent half-a-million dollars to feed 40 people at that party. If Obama wants the rich people to share their wealth with the poor people, why don't he start with himself? The White House spending half-a-million dollars to feed 40 people!

Higher isn't better

Mr. Editor, I'm calling in about your comment about the tax increase in your Thursday, Feb. 13 edition. I resent the fact that you seem to indicate only civic minded citizens will support the bond issue. For one, I'm against the bond issue because it will increase taxes to the point that it will stunt economic growth, not increase it which you seem to indicate. If your logic is correct, let's increase food stamps for everybody. Let's increase federal taxes. The more taxes we pay does not equal better government.
