March 12, 2014

I would like to know why your newspaper refused to publish my comments in SpeakOut about Dr. Ben Carson who spoke at the Field House? You don't have any problem publishing negative comments about President Obama, and I think you should publish comments about Dr. Ben Carson. They are both public people...

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I would like to know why your newspaper refused to publish my comments in SpeakOut about Dr. Ben Carson who spoke at the Field House? You don't have any problem publishing negative comments about President Obama, and I think you should publish comments about Dr. Ben Carson. They are both public people.

Negative comments we accept. Vile, hatred-filled comments are rejected ...

Up in smoke

I think legalizing marijuana for recreational use is one of the dumbest things our government has ever done. Everybody knows those idiots do a lot of dumb things. They want to stop people smoking cigarettes everywhere, but people can stand around and smoke marijuana and get high, let alone all the ones smoking in the house in front of their kids. I don't see any difference in smoking cigarettes than smoking marijuana. That just don't make any sense. This country is going to hell in a hand basket.

Reeves remembered

I would like to say that my mom really love Bob Reeves. He was her favorite person in the world. When the news came on, she was so excited to hear him speak. We all did. I would definitely say he's the most experienced meteorologist I have ever listened to. What a great person with a great personality. No one could ever do the weather like Bob. You always felt safe and he did make you feel calm in the storm. On behalf of my mom, Bob, you will be missed. Enjoy your retirement. You deserve it and you did an excellent job over the years. From me and my family to you and yours, have a great retirement and may God bless you.

Right to wear white

This is to the lady that said white is not right for a wedding. If these people are going down the aisle, I think if she is happy and she paid for her gown, if she wants to wear white, it don't matter how many kids she has or how many husbands she had. If that's what she wants to do, and she's happy, it's nobody's business but hers. And for you to have your criticism, you maybe should keep it because we are up to date these days.

Found good in the snow

I have found a reason to rejoice every time we get a blast of ice and snow. It is because that is the only time of year that the Post Office parking lot is smooth.

Praise for crossword

I am so sorry we no longer have a Tuesday paper but we will just have to adapt but we understand. But I want to say a very special thank you to whomever is responsible for changing the format of our crossword puzzle. Now I don't have to get my magnifying glass to work it. I thoroughly enjoy the new crossword puzzle size.
