Senator's votes speak louder than words

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Claire, say it ain't so! Missouri's Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill told an audience this week that the nation's $17 trillion debt is "irresponsible".

If I am not mistaken, this is the same United States Senator who voted in lockstep with this administration on the stimulus and the multi-trillion disaster that is called Obamacare.

This is the very same Senator who waltzed into office with the nation struggling under a $10 trillion debt and proceeded to vote along party lines and up the ante by another $7 trillion in short order.

So what am I missing?

And just who is irresponsible?

As I have said repeatedly, I like Claire McCaskill. She is a "bossy" politician - though I'm told not to use that term any longer - who says what she means. At one time, she also meant what she said.

But Senator, look in the mirror and repeat the phrase, "I am irresponsible and should be held accountable for this massive and unsustainable debt."

With ample time before her next re-election bid, under normal circumstances I would think her remarks were nothing but campaign rhetoric.

But she is safe in her seat and has already thrown her substantial support behind Hillary Clinton in 2016 - despite shunning Mrs. Clinton in favor of a certain junior Senator from Illinois in 2008.

So why in the world would she make this astonishing remark?

Don't misunderstand, Sen. McCaskill is dead on. This massive debt is indeed irresponsible. But I can say those words because I had nothing to do with this runaway spending.

Claire McCaskill had a great deal to do with this financial predicament and now she wants us to know it's "irresponsible"?

Here's some unsolicited advice for our Democratic Senator.

Words have consequences but votes have even more standing. A cursory glance at who voted to spend us into this debt can come back to haunt anyone at any time.

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