April 9, 2014

scottw@standard-democrat.com SIKESTON -- Tennis courts at the Sikeston Sports and Recreation Complex have held up well but will now get needed maintenance. The Sikeston City Council awarded during the regular monthly meeting the contract for three-coat resurfacing on four tennis courts at the Complex to General Acrylics as recommended by staff...


SIKESTON -- Tennis courts at the Sikeston Sports and Recreation Complex have held up well but will now get needed maintenance.

The Sikeston City Council awarded during the regular monthly meeting the contract for three-coat resurfacing on four tennis courts at the Complex to General Acrylics as recommended by staff.

When General Acrylics built the courts in 2006, they recommended resurfacing the courts every five years, said Jiggs Moore, parks division director.

"This is the eighth year," Moore said. He said the courts have remained in good condition but are now due.

For the complete Sikeston City Council article and more local news stories, see the Wednesday edition of the Standard Democrat. For the electronic edition click here to log on.
