May 21, 2014

I'm trying to figure out why the Highway Department is wasting so much money by putting in all these yellow flashing lights. Now they have one on Smith Street. Why have a flashing light when it's always been left turn yield on green? It's not hard to figure out you have to yield there. ...

Seeing red over yellow

I'm trying to figure out why the Highway Department is wasting so much money by putting in all these yellow flashing lights. Now they have one on Smith Street. Why have a flashing light when it's always been left turn yield on green? It's not hard to figure out you have to yield there. If drivers aren't smart enough to figure that out they really don't need to be driving. I think it's just a waste of money. Also, they've put that Do Not Enter sign up there at Buffalo Wild Wings. Now I notice that sign is gone. That's just a waste of money that they need to be using to fix roads instead.

Staged and controlled

In response to the front page story in Wednesday's paper about the Sikeston teachers' allegations being unfounded. I don't think this is any big surprise that this was front page news. Be that as it may, anyone who knew anything about Sikeston school district and the whole affair knew it was gonna be a white-washed job from the word go. It was plainly detailed to anybody that was paying close attention or involved with the school that the intimidation factor is so great none of the teachers would testify on their fellow teachers behalf. They are cowards because they don't want to lose their jobs. This administration has got such fear struck in them that they will not stand up for the truth. They are gonna allow two teachers to be smeared by a bunch of bullies who fill up a room when there is a school board meeting. They load the room up with teachers and supporters of administration so that regular folks that want to participate can't even get in the room. They've got it all planned and staged and controlling it just like Obama controls his so-called news interviews. Everything is staged and controlled. We citizens have had enough. They are not going to get by with this anymore. There's no public notices of school board meetings outside of the administration office. That is wrong. That is not a Sunshine Law compliant procedure. If you don't work for the school or not on the board, you don't have easy access to know anything. If you work for the school and don't do what they say, then you won't have a job. That's what this is all about and we are tired of it.

Speak no evil, hear no evil

Just left the Sikeston Public R6 School Board meeting where over 100 people were in attendance in opposition to Common Core. Obviously the school board does not want people to speak on anything. They wouldn't even let them in the meeting room. Second, I wonder why they had three Sikeston Public Safety officers there armed to the teeth for a public school board meeting. Come on Sikeston DPS and Sikeston School Board, give me a break.
