July 9, 2014

scottw@standard-democrat.com SIKESTON -- Sikeston City Council members will review the Citizens Resource Bank for potential candidates to fill a third seat on the city's new Liquor License Review Board. Council members approved during their regular monthly meeting Monday an amendment to the Alcoholic Beverages chapter of city code to give the city manager the authority to suspend or revoke an establishment's city liquor licence...

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SIKESTON -- Sikeston City Council members will review the Citizens Resource Bank for potential candidates to fill a third seat on the city's new Liquor License Review Board.

Council members approved during their regular monthly meeting Monday an amendment to the Alcoholic Beverages chapter of city code to give the city manager the authority to suspend or revoke an establishment's city liquor licence.

Following a reduction of liquor control staff by the state, "we have found it harder and harder to get action from the state," said Karen Bailey, deputy city clerk and city treasurer.

Previous administrative actions by the city for liquor license violations were brought before the City Council and took hours of time, according to Bailey, so staff researched other options for enforcment at the local level.

The Liquor License Review Board will hear appeals by businesses who have their license suspended or revoked by the city manager.

The ordinance calls for a board made up of three appointees: a chief review officer which is to be a city employee appointed by the city manager; a second city employee appointed by the city manager; and an individual appointed by the City Council.

For the complete article and more local news stories, see the Wednesday edition of the Standard Democrat. For the electronic edition click here to log on.
