I just watched a lengthy online talk by a college English professor on Common Core. He backed up everything he said with newspaper articles, or excerpts from school text books or government articles. It is sickening to hear about what is being taught in our schools. Did you know that sex education has to be taught in some manner in every subject every day? Did you know our schools promote books for sixth graders which show graphic pictures of how to masturbate for both boys and girls? A poster in a school hall in Texas listed the ways children "demonstrate their sexual feelings." Some of those listed were: masturbation, anal sex, touching each other's genitals, kissing, talking oral sex, holding hands, etc. No distinction was made between talking and oral sex. They were all lumped together as being acceptable. When the sixth grade girl took a picture and showed her dad he understandably went ballistic and went to school to protest. He was told it was part of Common Core and it stays. My challenge is to every person who attends a church, of any denomination, in this town to question your pastor on his knowledge of Common Core, and if he doesn't know what it's about, ask him to educate himself on the subject. If he is not concerned enough about the welfare of the children he pastors to at least check it out, maybe a new pastor should be considered. Our children are way too important to allow their minds to be fed this evil stuff. There is a lot of information available online and also informed people here in town who would be glad to help you.
The Village of Blodgett held their annual Fourth of July Celebration on Friday with hundreds in attendance. Vendor booths were set up to enjoy festival food. A bluegrass bank provided music for the first part of the celebration and then a rock 'n' roll band provided music for the last half of the celebration. It was a well attended, small town "Americana" celebration of the Independence Day holiday that gathered family and friends together to celebrate their country's birthday. The excitement ran high as the crowd enjoyed great music, dancing, food, and a wonderful fireworks display that ended the celebration with a bang. Everyone enjoyed this annual event that is sponsored by Tank Tech, Inc. Thanks for providing Blodgett and surrounding communities the opportunity to come together and enjoy this great summer holiday.