This is in response to the SpeakOut article in the July 7 paper about Common Core being taught in our schools. First of all, Sikeston Public Schools does not teach sex education and other such areas everyday. It is taught appropriately in a closed class. Sikeston Public Schools does not promote books which show graphic pictures about masturbation or any other kind of sexual act. Sikeston Public Schools does not promote any kind of posters that promote any kind of sexual acts in their hallways. There are sexually graphic books found in the Common Core teen list. Sikeston Public School are not going to use any of those books that contain any kind of sexual deeds or pictures. Sikeston Public Schools has always chosen books that reflect the morals and values of our community. If they want to do that in Texas, more power to them. But that is not going to happen here in our schools.
If Michelle Obama wants all the kids to eat healthy food, taking all the unhealthy food out of school, why don't she get it to where the unhealthy foods cannot be bought by your EBT card? Quit taking away all the good snacks and treats for the kids who actually pay for their lunches, because all the kids that are on Welfare are getting all their Hostess cupcakes and Ding Dongs on EBT cards. They are the ones that need to have all that taken away.
The bottom of the barrel
Anyone that says that Medicaid pays for everything is either a liar or a fool. It does not pay for everything. There are many things that it does not pay for. You get bottom of the barrel treatment with Medicaid or no treatment at all. You are gonna die soon if you have cancer. Try it.
I think that people should quit worrying about water parks and marijuana houses and all that crap. People will donate to stuff like that, but wouldn't donate to a starving child if they were standing right in front of them. Forget all that stuff. Use that money for something it really needs to be used for. There are probably children starving where they are building those old water parks and bars and marijuana. Use that money for something besides crap like that. People don't have to swim in a public pool. Crap, they don't even have to swim. It's ridiculous.
Mr. Jensen, We subscribe to the Southeast Missourian and read your every column. Your observant and commonsense gives real pleasure. Your column today on July 10 is very good. We have known all along this present 'border crisis' is an orchestrated situation by this administration to overload the system causing unprecedented chaos. Yours is the first and only mention of such orchestration being in play. It is nothing short of lunacy to suppose those children would make their way to the border and participate in such 'happening' without adult supervision and provision.
In the July 10 issue of your newspaper, on Page 2, it says something about girls cannot consent to sex if they are drunk. Well, does that mean if guys are drunk they cannot consent to sex either? What if the guy is drunk too? What if both parties are drunk? Think about it.