SIKESTON -- A billion years ago, nature was ripping the North American continent apart. Then it stopped.
What remained is what geologists call the Mid-continent Rift System.
Today, scientists are using the latest in technology to look deep into the Earth. They are peering some 10 or more miles below the surface to gain a better understanding of the geology of the continent.
On Tuesday morning, John Powell, a geophysicist and crew chief with Zonge International; and Moira Poje, a geology student and field technician, were in Sikeston, to make their 30th stop in placing equipment as researchers seek data on the New Madrid Fault Line.
Digging through the sandy Southeast Missouri soil at Sikeston's northern edge
the pair placed four electrodes, a magnetic sensor, receiver box and connecting cables. For the next two to three weeks, the electrodes will measure the Earth's natural electrical field while the magnetometer will record the magnetic field data.
According to Powell, the data will be used to create three-dimensional views within the Earth to enable scientists to better understand its structures and to map the lower crust.
For more on the story see Wednesday's Standard Democrat.