By Lynn Lancaster
Executive Director of Historic
Downtown Sikeston
A lot of activity has been happening in Downtown Sikeston since last we spoke. If you missed the Wine Festival, you really missed a great event. Over 700 folks sampled wine from six wineries listened to "Common Thread" and ate great food from Susie's. Even though it is a wine tasting event, Susie's provides tea and water for those who do not like wine. Don't miss out next year. Mark your calendar for September 12. If you get a chance, thank Jeff and Brenna Burnett , J and B Foods, and Dr. Hollis Tidmore who were our main sponsors.
Also the Keith Collins Bandstand is under construction with all the concrete work being finished. The roof structure should be going up soon. We hope to have it finished for our Cotton Festival and Cotton Ramble Bike Ride on October 11, weather permitting. It will be a much needed addition to the park and our events.
Our Farmer's Market has been very successful this year. We received a grant from MoAg to purchase banners, tents, and advertising. We have had more vendors this year than in previous years. Our customer base is also expanding allowing most vendors to sell out. The market runs through October.
Our Cotton Festival will be on October 11, and will feature southern foods, southern music, crafts, and an antique tractor show. The humane society will have a cake walk and a doggie Halloween costume contest.
The Car Show and Ice Cream Social was a big hit in July. We maxed out on cars, filling all our available space and the cars were awesome. Unilever gave us ice cream to give away and it was all gone by the end of the show. Morlan Automotive Group was the sponsor of the event and many local businesses provided prizes for the participants. Next year the Car Show will be held in conjunction with Sikeston in Bloom on May 2. The car show will be in the parking lot behind the Depot Museum. It will give us more room for more cars.
Music in Malone Park was a lot of fun and entertainment. We had five local bands perform on Friday night in Malone Park. No Jokin' we're Smokin' was on hand with BBQ and drinks for the crowd. Anchor Church provided free popcorn and snow cones, with Community Baptist Church providing free water. Thank you to the Banks who sponsored our bands: Southern Bank who also showed a movie following the music, Montgomery Bank, First State Community Bank, First Midwest Bank, Alliance Bank, and First State Bank and Trust. We only had one rainout, and the crowds were about 200-300 folks. Everyone just brought a chair or quilt and enjoyed good music.
The Downtown Sikeston merchants will be having their Holiday Open House on November 7 and 8. They will have holiday specials, music, and carriage rides. On December 5, carriage rides will be downtown again and the Depot Museum will have Santa for Family night. Come down and celebrate the holidays.
Historic Downtown Sikeston is funded by memberships and donations. Our 2015 membership drive will begin in October. You will receive a membership card in the mail. Please support our efforts to restore and maintain our historic downtown and continue to have our festivals and events.