I think that CVS drug store is the most two-face place I ever saw. If they are so proud of themselves for quitting selling cigarettes, why don't they quit selling alcohol? Alcohol kills, too. They got a whole one page of their ad in this Sunday's paper and all it is is liquor and beer. Now that is ridiculous. They ought to get more proud and quit selling liquor.
I want to know why the last few weeks they haven't shown "CSI" on Sunday because the football runs over. I'm tired of it. I don't like football and they could at least make sure they show the show. Channel 12 said they would show "CSI" and for the last two weeks we haven't seen it. I want to watch my show. I want to know why we can't see the show we want to watch. I don't like football and I wish they should take football off TV completely.
Yes, Speakout, I was wondering what the deal was with people on the street corners passing out free cell phones and free minutes for people. How much of them are on welfare and even if they give them to people, if they can't afford a cellphone, they need to do without.
Mike your comment the other day on Amendment 3 that you oppose it I would have to say that you really should had reconsidered it. This is election day so my call is not just to argue that point. When you look at the Sikeston school system the Sikeston teachers are not held accountable and you can see the tests reports that the Board of Education released where we were low compared to the state is not surprising. The fourth grade math teacher issued a letter to the parents at the start of school saying she would be teaching Common Core. There would be no textbook. There would papers printed off the Internet from different sites like North Carolina and New York that the child could use and the parents could use to help. Really what needs to happen is get back to the basics, that two plus two is four and seven times seven is 49 and not 49 different dots that the kid needs to ink and then count. We need to get back to the basics that way the parents can actually help and possibly make better scores for the Sikeston school system. Right now the Sikeston school system is actually starting to fail and it is sad where we are at as a school district. Thanks Mike for having Speakout. Appreciate it very much.